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谢祥雄, 王英, 陈健祺, 向熙
上海师范大学 建筑工程学院, 上海 201418
采用表面活性剂、磁力搅拌和超声分散技术分离多壁碳纳米管(MCNT),制备多壁碳纳米管改性地聚物胶砂试块,研究其基本力学性能并确定最佳纤维掺量.MCNT改性地聚物胶砂试块和改性泡沫混凝土试验结果表明:与水泥基材料相似,MCNT在地聚物材料中能有效发挥纳米成核与机械联锁作用,将MCNT掺入地聚物材料能显著提升抗折强度、抗压强度和吸水率等力学性能;当掺入量为0.12%~0.14%时能使地聚物材料的整体性能得到较好的提升;其中,当MCNT掺量为0.12%时,地聚物泡沫混凝土的28 d抗压强度提高了10.33%,体积吸水率降低了14.44%.对地聚物材料进行纳米纤维改性,能进一步丰富和拓宽其应用领域,也能为同类研究提供参考借鉴.
关键词:  地聚物泡沫混凝土  粉煤灰  多壁碳纳米管(MCNT)  力学性能
Experiment and performance study of nanofiber modified geopolymer foam concrete
XIE Xiangxiong, WANG Ying, CHEN Jianqi, XIANG Xi
School of Civil Engineering, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 201418, China
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MCNT) modified mortar blocks were prepared by separating MCNT by surfactant, magnetic stirring and ultrasonic dispersion technology. The basic mechanical properties were studied and the optimum fiber content was determined. The test results of mortar blocks and foam concrete blocks showed that similar to cement-based materials, MCNT could effectively play the role of nano-nucleation and mechanical interlocking in geopolymer materials by adding MCNT into geopolymer materials, which could effectively improve the mechanical properties such as flexural strength, compressive strength and water absorption. When the dosage was 0.12%-0.14%, the overall properties of geopolymer materials could be improved perferable. When the content of MCNT was 0.12%, the 28 d compressive strength of geopolymer foam concrete was increased by 10.33%, and the volume water absorption was decreased by 14.44%. Nano-fiber modification of geopolymer materials could further enrich and broaden its application fields, and could also provide reference for similar research.
Key words:  geopolymer foam concrete  fly ash  multi-wall carbon nanotube (MCNT)  mechanical property