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刘蓉1, 谈昊天2, 郑思2, 明凤1
1.上海师范大学 生命科学学院, 上海 200234;2.上海中学, 上海 200237
关键词:  无磷洗衣粉  喜水植物  萌发率  生长  生理指标
The effect of nonphosphorus washing powder on the germination and growth of hydrophilous plant seeds
LIU Rong1, TAN Haotian2, ZHENG Si2, MING Feng1
1.College of Life Sciences, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China;2.Shanghai High School, Shanghai 200237, China
In order to explore the effects of nonphosphorus washing powder on different hydrophilous plants, rice (Oryza sativa L.), water lily (Nelumbo noucifera Gaertn) and Pontederia cordata L. were selected as experimental materials to study the effects of nonphosphorus washing powder on the growth and seed germination of hydrophilous plants. Five treatments were set up in the experiment, namely, clean water control, two low concentration solution (mass fraction 0.02%, 0.05%) and two high concentration solution (mass fraction 0.10%, 0.30%) of nonphosphorus washing powder. The results showed that: (1) With the increase of nonphosphorus washing powder concentration, the germination rate of water lily and rice seeds decreased, the bud length shortened, the root growth stagnated and shrank, the root tip turned black, and the development characteristics became worse; (2) With the increase of the concentration of phosphate-free washing powder solution, the height of the plant became shorter, the leaves turned yellow, the health of the plant declined, the growth was inhibited, and the plant showed signs of wilting. Two genes related to the growth and development of rice roots, OsDREB2B and OsARF12, were selected. It was found that the expression levels of these two genes in the roots of rice seedlings treated with nonphosphate washing powder solution were significantly lower than those in the clean water group. The results show that nonphosphorus washing powder can inhibit the growth and seed germination of water-loving plants. Nonphosphorus washing powder is not a perfect substitute for phosphorus-containing washing powder, but still has side effects on the ecology. So it is necessary to further develop environmentally friendly alternative products.
Key words:  nonphosphate laundry detergent  hydrophilous plant  germination rate  growth  physiological index