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廖玥琪1, 严丹丹1, 方从启1,2
1.上海师范大学 建筑工程学院, 上海 201408;2.上海交通大学 船舶海洋与建筑工程学院, 上海 200240
为了研究添加石蜡相变微胶囊对混凝土热工性能的影响,在混凝土中采用相变温度为28°C的石蜡相变微胶囊等体积替换砂,制备石蜡相变混凝土,并对其进行导热系数、比热容性能试验.试验结果表明:掺有石蜡相变微胶囊的混凝土导热系数低于普通硅酸盐混凝土.当石蜡相变微胶囊掺量(体积分数)为10%时,导热系数为6.11 kJ·m-1·h-1·°C-1,是普通混凝土导热系数的89.1%.当石蜡相变微胶囊相变材料温度为14°C(低于相变温度)时,其加入对混凝土比热容影响不大;当石蜡相变微胶囊相变材料温度为32°C(高于相变温度),且其掺量(体积分数)为10%时,石蜡相变混凝土比热容为1.42 kJ·kg-1·°C-1,比普通混凝土的提高了18.3%.
关键词:  石蜡相变微胶囊  导热系数  比热容
Research on preparation and thermal properties of paraffin phase change concrete
LIAO Yueqi1, YAN Dandan1, FANG Congqi1,2
1.School of Civil Engineering, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 201418, China;2.School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Civil Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
In order to study the influence of paraffin phase change microcapsules on the thermal performance of concrete,paraffin phase change microcapsules with phase change temperature of 28 °C were used to replace sand in the same volume within concrete to prepare paraffin phase change concrete. The thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity of the paraffin phase change concrete were tested. The results showed that the thermal conductivity of concrete mixed with paraffin microcapsules was lower than that of ordinary silicate concrete. When the paraffin microcapsule volume fraction was 10%,the thermal conductivity reached 6.11 kJ·m-1·h-1·°C-1,which was 89.1% of the ordinary concrete’s. At 14 °C (lower than the phase change temperature),the accession of phase change materials had little effect on the specific heat capacity of concrete. While at 32 °C (higher than the phase change temperature) and 10% of the paraffin microcapsules,the specific heat capacity of the paraffin microcapsules came to 1.42 kJ·kg-1·°C-1,the specific heat capacity of which was increased by 18.3% compared to the ordinary concrete.
Key words:  paraffin phase change microcapsules  thermal conductivity  specific heat capacity