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常湛源, 刘鑫鑫
上海师范大学 信息与机电工程学院, 上海 200234
为了解决气体流量控制器(MFC)在使用过程中因受到系统扰动所导致的输出流量震荡不稳定以及调节时间长等问题,通常采用比例、积分、微分(PID)控制方法来改善控制效果.采用基于麻雀搜索算法(SSA)的PID参数优化方法,模拟麻雀对环境的搜索行为,对比PID参数进行优化,并将优化后的模型用于反馈补偿控制.实验结果表明,与传统PID参数设置方法相比,基于SSA的PID参数优化方法可以更快地找到最优解,系统输出流量的稳态误差远小于3%,调节时间缩短至300 ms,最大超调远小于4%,显著提高了MFC的控制性能.
关键词:  气体流量控制器(MFC)  比例、积分、微分(PID)  麻雀搜索算法(SSA)
The gas flow control system of improved PID based on sparrow search algorithm
CHANG Zhanyuan, LIU Xinxin
College of Information, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China
Regarding to the problems of unstable output flow oscillation and long adjustment time caused by system disturbance of gas flow controller (MFC), the proportional, integral and differential (PID) control method could improve the control effect. The PID parameter optimization method based on sparrow search algorithm (SSA) was adopted to optimize the PID parameters by simulating the search behavior of sparrow in the environment, and the optimized model was used for feedback compensation control. The experimental results showed that compared with the traditional PID parameter setting method, the PID parameter optimization method based on sparrow search algorithm could find the optimal solution faster, and the steady-state error of the system output flow was much less than 3%, the adjustment time was shortened to 300 ms, and the maximum overshoot was much less than 4%, which significantly improved the control performance of MFC.
Key words:  gas mass flow controller (MFC)  proportional, integral, differential (PID)  sparrow search algorithm (SSA)