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赵敏华, 刘吉, 葛晨辉, 徐晨曦, 蔡晓锋, 王小丽
上海师范大学 生命科学学院, 上海 200234
铵态氮转运蛋白(AMT)负责铵态氮的吸收与转运,对植物的生长和发育起重要的调节作用.对菠菜SoAMT基因家族进行了基因组鉴定、生物信息学分析、组织表达谱及氮素响应表达谱分析,结果表明:菠菜基因组中共存在6个AMT的基因,包括5个AMT1成员和1个AMT2成员,主要分布在1,4,5,6条染色体上,编码区长度为1 443~15 06 bp;6个SoAMT蛋白均包含AMT基因家族特有的保守结构域及保守基序,含有9~11个跨膜结构域;SoAMT启动子含有较多茉莉酸、厌氧胁迫响应元件.SoAMT基因在根、叶、柄中均有表达,大部分SoAMT1亚家族成员受缺氮、硝态氮或铵态氮诱导表达,而SoAMT2基因表达量受铵态氮抑制.两类亚家族成员不同的氮响应模式,可能与其在氮素响应中的不同作用有关.
关键词:  铵转运蛋白家族(AMT)  铵态氮  硝态氮  表达谱
Identification and expression analysis of spinach AMT gene family
ZHAO Minhua, LIU Ji, GE Chenhui, XU Chenxi, CAI Xiaofeng, WANG Xiaoli
College of Life Sciences, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China
Ammonium nitrogen transporters (AMT) are responsible for the absorption and transportation of ammonium nitrogen, and also play important roles in plant growth and development. In this paper, the SoAMT gene family members were identified in the spinach genome, and their expression patterns were analyzed. Results showed that there were six SoAMT members in spinach genome, including five AMT1 and one AMT2, which were mainly distributed on 1, 4, 5, and 6 chromosomes. The length of their coding regions ranged from 1 443 to 1 506 bp. All SoAMT members had the unique conserved domains and conserved motifs of the AMT gene family, and 9-11 trans-membrane domains. Their promoters contained many elements about jasmonic acid response, anaerobic stress response, and so on. The SoAMT genes were expressed in roots, leaf blades, and petioles. Most SoAMT1 genes were induced by nitrogen deficiency, nitrate nitrogen, or ammonium nitrogen, while SoAMT2 expression was inhibited by ammonium nitrogen. The obviously different nitrogen response patterns between two types of subfamily members might be related to their different roles in response to nitrogen changes.
Key words:  ammonium transporter family (AMT)  ammonium nitrogen  nitrate nitrogen  expression pattern