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何怡静, 乔宇, 刘嘉润, 石玉青, 梁杰
上海师范大学 化学与材料科学学院, 上海 200234
采用水热法制备锰氧化物(MnOx),并与海藻酸钠(SA)相结合,成功制备了锰氧化物-海藻酸钠凝胶微球(MnOx@MABs)材料.通过场发射扫描电镜(FE-SEM)、X射线衍射(XRD)、红外光谱(FT-IR)等一系列的表征手段,对所制备的凝胶微球的形貌结构、组成成分等进行分析.然后,根据过硫酸盐高级氧化的原理,利用凝胶微球活化过硫酸盐来降解偶氮染料废水的代表污染物日落黄.研究了MnOx@MABs材料的投加量、废水的pH值、废水温度、过一硫酸盐(PMS)的投加量和不同日落黄初始浓度对日落黄降解效果的影响.结果表明:MnOx@MABs/PMS体系能在广泛的pH值范围内降解日落黄,当日落黄初始质量浓度为200 mg·L-1时,在0.5 mmol·L-1的PMS、30 g·L-1的MnOx@MABs以及体系反应温度为40℃条件下,60 min内对日落黄的降解率可达到100%.
关键词:  偶氮染料  锰氧化物(MnOx)  海藻酸钠(SA)  日落黄  过硫酸盐高级氧化
Preparation of manganese oxide-sodium alginate gel microspheres and their application in azo dye wastewater
HE Yijing, QIAO Yu, LIU Jiarun, SHI Yuqing, LIANG Jie
College of Chemistry and Materials Science, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China
Manganese oxide(MnOx) was synthesized by a hydrothermal method. In combination with sodium alginate(SA), manganese oxide-sodium gel microspheres (MnOx@MABs) were successfully prepared. The morphology and composition of the prepared gel microspheres were analyzed by field emission scanning electron microscopy(FE-SEM), X-ray diffraction(XRD), and infrared spectroscopy(FT-IR). Then, according to the principle of persulfate advanced oxidation, these gel microspheres were used to activate persulfate to degrade sunset yellow, a representative pollutant of azo dye wastewater. The effects of the addition of MnOx@MABs, pH value of wastewater, temperature, addition amount of peroxymonosulfate(PMS), and different initial concentration of azo dye wastewater on the degradation of sunset yellow were studied. The results show that the MnOx@MABs/PMS system can degrade sunset yellow at a wide pH range. When 30 g·L-1 of MnOx@MABs was added to the wastewater containing 0.5 mmol·L-1 PMS and an initial 200 mg·L-1 sunset yellow, sunset yellow was completely degraded after stirred at 40℃ for 60 min.
Key words:  azo dye  manganese oxide(MnOx)  sodium alginate(SA)  sunset yellow  advanced persulfate oxidation