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谭世君1, 明磊1, 童世敏2, 李晨1, 武海运1, 蔡志童3
1.上海师范大学 体育学院, 上海 200234;2.重庆工商大学 体育学院, 重庆 400067;3.西南大学 音乐学院, 重庆 400715
通过问卷调查法、数理统计法等对上海师范大学1 044名在校大学生进行了健康素养水平调查.结果显示:上海师范大学学生健康素养具备率为24.71%,低于上海市2019年长宁区居民的29.10%、2018年杨浦区居民的26.10%以及2018年静安区居民的31.89%;其健康素养的3个维度发展不均衡,其中健康技能具备率仅为17.72%,明显低于3个区居民健康技能具备率的平均值42.68%;男生健康素养水平低于女生(p<0.05),22岁及以上学生健康素养水平低于22岁以下学生(p<0.05),农村学生健康素养水平低于城市和集镇学生(p<0.05).二元logistic回归分析结果显示:月消费水平及参加学校举办健康讲座或活动的次数影响学生健康素养的具备.主要建议:父母应提供合理的家庭经济支持,致力于维护完整稳定的家庭结构;学校应补齐健康教育的短板,提高健康课程与健康讲座开展频率;重视体育教育独特的功能性,完善体育教师职前教育与职后培训内容.
关键词:  健康中国  大学生  健康素养  体育教育
The current situation of college students'health literacy and countermeasures in the context of “Health China”: Shanghai Normal University as an example
TAN Shijun1, MING Lei1, TONG Shimin2, LI Chen1, WU Haiyun1, CAI Zhitong3
1.School of Physical Education, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China;2.School of Physical Education, Chongqing Technology and Business University, Chongqing 400067, China;3.School of Music, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China
A survey on the health literacy level of 1 044 undergraduates in Shanghai Normal University was conducted by questionnaire and mathematical statistics. The results showed that the health literacy rate of students in Shanghai Normal University was 24.71%, which was lower than the 29.10% of residents in Changning District in 2019, 26.10% in Yangpu District in 2018, and 31.89% in Jing' an District in 2018 in Shanghai, and the three dimensions of health literacy were unevenly developed. The health skill possession rate was only 17.72%, which was significantly lower than the average health skill possession rate of residents in the above-mentioned three districts, 42.68%;the health literacy level of male students was lower than that of female students(p<0.05), the health literacy level of students aged 22 and above was lower than that of students under 22(p<0.05), and the health literacy level of rural students was lower than that of urban and market town students(p<0.05). The results of the binary logistic regression analysis showed that the level of monthly consumption and the number of health-related lectures or activities held at school affect the possession of health literacy among students. The main recommendations were:parents should provide reasonable family financial support and commit to maintaining an intact and stable family structure;schools should make up for the shortcomings of health education and increase the frequency of health courses and health lectures;pay attention to the unique functionality of physical education and improve the content of pre-service education and post-service training for physical education teachers.
Key words:  Healthy China  college students  health literacy  physical education