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陆家双1, 王斌1, 翟希2
1.上海师范大学 信息与机电工程学院, 上海 200234;2.上海市城乡建设和交通发展研究院 上海交通信息中心, 上海 200003
关键词:  轨迹重识别  注意力机制网络  深度学习
An end-to-end deep learning method for individual travel path re-identification
LU Jiashuang1, WANG Bin1, ZHAI Xi2
1.College of Information Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China;2.Shanghai Traffic Information Center, Shanghai Urban and Rural Construction and Traffic Development Research Institute, Shanghai 200003, China
A large number of researches on pedestrian re-identification based on the methods of image processing and computer vision were getting more and more attention in the field of social security and business. From the perspective of information retrieval,an end-to-end deep learning framework was proposed for user re-identification of anonymous location based services (LBS)data in this paper. Firstly, the embedded network was used to encode the input spatial sequence and the corresponding temporal sequence. Secondly,the recurrent network was adopted to encode the user's daily history trajectory. Thirdly,the attention mechanism network was connected to calculate the importance weight of the two trajectories to be compared, and finally the similarity of the two trajectories was obtained. The experimental results showed that this model was able to take the user's spatial-temporal position information into account, and achieve more accurate similarity between trajectory sequences compared with the traditional method of calculating the vector distance between trajectories. The re-identification accuracy of different number of users on the anonymous LBS dataset of a city was significantly improved.
Key words:  trajectory re-identification  attention-based network  deep learning