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聚氧乙烯醚和聚羧酸盐复配体系在430 g·L-1戊唑醇水悬浮剂中的应用
朱红, 翁雨佳, 任天瑞, 张博
上海师范大学 化学与材料科学学院, 上海 200234
研究了聚羧酸盐分散剂SD-840和聚氧乙烯醚分散剂601P的复配体系对430 g·L-1戊唑醇水悬浮剂(SC)悬浮稳定性的影响.通过测定不同戊唑醇SC热贮前后各样品的粒径大小、Zeta电势、黏度、悬浮率的变化,发现与单独使用SD-840,601P相比,两者的复配体系制备的430 g·L-1戊唑醇SC稳定性能好,尤其在SD-840和601P质量比为m(SD-840):m(601P)=0.75体系中,水悬浮剂稳定性能最佳,热贮前后的粒径和悬浮率变化最小,热贮前后粒径分布D90分别为2.35 μm和2.50 μm,悬浮率热贮前后分别为99.47%和96.58%.
关键词:  戊唑醇  水悬浮剂(SC)  聚羧酸盐  聚氧乙烯醚  悬浮稳定性
The application of the mixed system of polyoxyethylene ether and polycarboxylate in 430 g·L-1 tebuconazole suspension concentrate
ZHU Hong, WENG Yujia, REN Tianrui, ZHANG Bo
College of Chemistry and Materials Science, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China
The mixed surfactant system is helpful to improve suspension stability of pesticide suspension concentrate(SC). Herein, the effect of the mixed system of polysacchanate dispersant SD-840 and polyoxyethylene ether dispersant 601P on the stability of 430 g·L-1 tebuconazole SC was studied.The changes of the particle size, zeta potential, viscosity, and suspension rate of 430 g·L-1 tebuconazole SC before and after the thermal storage were carefully investigated.The results showed that the suspension stability of 430 g·L-1 tebuconazole SC obtained by the mixed system was superior to that of SC prepared by only SD-840 or 601P, respectively. Especially, the SC obtained by the mixed system with a 0.75 mass ratio between SD-840 and 601P exhibited the superior suspension stability and minimum variation of particle size and suspension rate before and after thermal storage.The suspension rates and D90 particle diameters before and after thermal storage were 99.47%, 96.58% and 2.35 μm, 2.50 μm, respectively.
Key words:  tebuconazole  suspension concentrate(SC)  polyoxyethylene ether  polycarboxylate  suspension stability