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徐兆丰, 蒋钰玉, 靳羽嘉, 李静
上海师范大学 生命科学学院, 上海 200234
通过克隆形成能力实验以及体内移植实验,发现当敲除小鼠MLL-AF9细胞中的受体结合蛋白1(RIP1)基因后,相对于WT MLL-AF9细胞,其克隆形成能力明显减弱,移植后小鼠生存时间延长了3倍以上.在组织切片观察中,WT MLL-AF9细胞移植小鼠出现明显白血病发病特征,而RIP1-/-MLL-AF9细胞移植小鼠的切片显示正常.当将RIP1中的激酶活性位点突变后,相对于WT MLL-AF9细胞,在移植实验中小鼠生存时间明显延长.对病发小鼠的脾脏细胞流式分析结果表明:激酶活性位点突变后致病能力明显减弱,提示RIP1基因的缺失会导致MLL-AF9致病能力减弱.
关键词:  受体结合蛋白1(RIP1)  MLL-AF9  克隆形成  生存时间  激酶活性
RIP1 deletion or mutation attenuates the pathogenicity of MLL-AF9 leukemia stem cells
XU Zhaofeng, JIANG Yuyu, JIN Yujia, LI Jing
College of Life Sciences, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China
In this article,by using the clonality assay and transplantation experiments in vivo,we found that the MLL-AF9 cells knocked out receptor-interating protein 1(RIP1) gene showed more weaken clonality,comparing with WT MLL-AF9 cells,and the survival experiments show the survival time of RIP1-/-(MLL-AF9) mice is extended more 3 times than WT MLL-AF9 mice after transplantation.The morphology of leukemia is observed in WT MLL-AF9 cells transplanted mice's tissue sections,while the sections of RIP1-/-MLL-AF9 cells are normal.When we mutate the kinase active sites in RIP1,the survival time of these mice is longer than the mice transplanted with WT MLL-AF9 cells.In the flow cytometry analysis of spleen cells of diseased mice,we found the mutations in the kinase active sites showed a significant decrease of pathogenicity.It is suggested that the deletion of the RIP1 gene leads to a decrease in the pathogenic ability of MLL-AF9 cells.
Key words:  Receptor-Interacting Protein 1 (RIP1)  MLL-AF9  clonality  survival time  kinase activity