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王靖媛, 秦智, 尹梦
上海师范大学 生命科学学院 植物种质资源开发协同创新中心, 上海 200234
为探讨连续流搅拌槽式厌氧发酵反应器(CSTR)的启动运行效能和活性污泥的优势菌群组成,考察了CSTR处理高浓度糖蜜废水启动运行期的进出水化学需氧量(COD)和pH值变化规律,并采用Illumina MiSeq平台高通量测序技术对比分析了启动运行不同阶段的优势菌群组成.研究结果表明:厌氧发酵反应器经过启动阶段的运行,较好地完成了厌氧活性污泥的驯化.在启动运行后期,反应器出水pH值稳定在4.7~4.9之间,液相发酵产物总量为1298 mg·L-1,其中乙酸和丁酸质量占发酵产物总质量的73.1%,形成丁酸型发酵的主要发酵产物;活性污泥沉降30 min后,沉降污泥的体积分数为37%,驯化后活性污泥具有良好的沉降性能.活性污泥优势菌群分析表明:反应器启动运行后期,活性污泥形成以产乙醇杆菌属(Ethanoligenes)、巨型球菌属(Megasphaera)和Ⅳ型梭菌(Clostridium IV)为主的优势菌群.
关键词:  连续流搅拌槽式反应器(CSTR)  启动运行  优势菌群
Anaerobic fermentation reactor start-up operation and analysis of dominant bacteria in activated sludge
WANG Jingyuan, QIN Zhi, YIN Meng
Development Center of Plant Germplasm Resources, College of Life Sciences, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China
In order to investigate operational performance efficiency of the continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) and the composition of dominant bacteria community in activated sludge during the start-up period,the enfluent water's changes of COD and pH value were studied during the start-up period when used the CSTR reactor treating the high-concentration molasses wastewater.We also used Illumina MiSeq platform high-throughput sequencing technology to compare and analyze the dominant bacterial community composition in different stages of anaerobic fermentation reactor during start-up operation.The research results showed that the anaerobic fermentation reactor had realized the domestication of anaerobic activated sludge after the start running operation.In the later stage of start running,the effluent pH value of the reactor was keeped between 4.7 and 4.9,and the total liquid fermentation products in effluent was 1298 mg·L-1,the acetic acid and butyric acid contents were accounted for 73.1% of the total fermentation products,which formed the mainly fermentation product was butyric acid.The sedimentation volume of the activated sludge was 37%,and settling time was 30 minutes,which means that the activated sludge had good sedimentation performance after domestication.The dominant bacterial community analysis showed that the activated sludge formed the dominant bacterial community during the later stage of the reactor start running period which mainly composed of Ethanoligenes,Megasphaera and Clostridium IV.
Key words:  continuous flow stirred tank reactor (CSTR)  start running  dominant bacterial community