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丁励翼1, 陆耀飞2, 莫智3, 吴丹1
1.上海师范大学 体育学院, 上海 200234;2.上海体育学院 运动科学学院, 上海 200438;3.广东生态工程职业学院 基础教育部, 广东 广州 510520
通过教学实验来检验健身娱乐体操课程是否有助于大学男生健康体适能素质的提高.将上海师范大学体育体教专业的68名大学男生分成两组,其中对照组(33人)进行传统体操课教学,实验组(35人)进行中大强度健身娱乐体操课教学,两组体操课均为每周1次,每次90 min,共8周.体操课全程监控心率,教学实验前后测试健康体适能指标.实验结果显示:实验组测得的平均心率高于对照组的,实验组健康体适能的所有指标都显著提高(P<0.05),而对照组仅3项健康体适能指标显著提高(P<0.05).实验组有2项健康体适能指标的提高幅度大于对照组(P<0.05).研究结果显示练习健身娱乐体操与普通体操均能提高大学生体质健康水平,但前者效果略优于后者.
关键词:  健身娱乐体操  健康体适能  大学男生
Effect of heath recreational gymnastics course on health-related physical fitness of male college students
DING Liyi1, LU Yaofei2, MO Zhi3, WU Dan1
1.Physical Education College, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China;2.School of Kinesiology, Shanghai University of Sport, Shanghai 200438, China;3.School of General Education, Guangdong Eco-engineering Polytechnic, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510520, China
The purpose of this study is to test whether health recreational gymnastics course can improve the health fitness of male college students. In the study, 68 male college students from Shanghai Normal University were divided into control group and experimental group. The control group (n=33) participated in traditional gymnastics course and the experimental group (n=35) participated in health recreational gymnastics course with a moderate or high intensity. Both of the groups had classes for 90 minutes once a week, which lasted for 8 weeks. The heart rates of all the students were monitored throughout gymnastics classes and the health fitness indexes were tested before and after the experiment. The results showed that the average heart rate was higher in the experimental group than that in the control group (P<0.05). All the health fitness indexes in the experimental group increased significantly (P<0.05). However, only three health fitness indexes in the control group increased significantly (P<0.05). The experimental group had two indexes which are superior to the control group (P<0.05). The results demonstrated that both health recreational and traditional gymnastics exercises can improve the physical health of college students, but the former has better effect than the latter.
Key words:  health recreational gymnastics  health fitness  male college students