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叶鹏, 李莉, 李海萍, 王斌
上海师范大学 信息与机电工程学院, 上海 200234
关键词:  异构网络  随机理论  增强型小区间干扰协调  小区范围扩展技术
Modeling of ultra-dense heterogeneous network and time-domain interference coordination analysis
Ye Peng, Li Li, Li Haiping, Wang Bin
The College of Information, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China
A system analysis model for ultra-dense heterogeneous network is established using the space Poisson point process based on stochastic theory.In this model,by analyzing the interference types of the extended and non-expanded areas of the cell caused by the cell-wide extension technology and the enhanced inter-cell interference coordination technology in heterogeneous network,the expressions of performance indicators such as outage probability and spectrum efficiency in different regions are deduced.A method of dynamically allocating almost blank subframes(ABS) is proposed for the case when the user equipment access selection and the resource allocation methods are too complicated in heterogeneous networks with almost blank subframes.The simulation results show that compared with the fixed ABS algorithm,the proposed scheme can improve the average ergodic capacity of the system by 10%-25% while taking into account the fairness of the users in each area.It also improves the cross layer interference of extended region's user.
Key words:  heterogeneous network  stochastic theory  enhanced inter-cell interference coordination  cell range expansion