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肖禾, 王萌, 崔丽洁, 开国银, 潘静娴
利用形态特征与RAPD分析技术,分析了国内不同地区的24份普通白菜(Brassica campestris L.ssp.chinensis (L.) Makino var.communis Tsee et Lee.)种质的遗传多样性.结果表明,13个形态学性状的变异系数为12.4%~69.9%,其中叶柄变异最大,子叶变异最小.24份普通白菜材料在形态学聚类的距离5处聚为4类.利用筛选出的15条RAPD引物从24份普通白菜材料中共扩增出113条带,其中多态性条带83条,多态率73.4%,平均每条引物条带7.53条、多态性条带5.53条.RAPD数据聚类在相似系数0.77处,分为8类,与形态聚类间有重叠和细分.以形态聚类4个类别计算的Nei′s基因多样性指标H和Shannon信息指数I,均为第Ⅳ大类>第Ⅰ大类>第Ⅲ大类>第Ⅱ大类,第Ⅳ类的HI分别为0.2395和0.3523.而不同地区则以江淮地区的Nei′s基因多样性H和Shannon信息指数I最高,分别为0.2076和0.3098.这些结果与普通白菜种质资源多样性特征以及地区分布相吻合.
关键词:  普通白菜  形态特征  RAPD分析  聚类分析
Morphological character and RAPD analysis of genetic diversity of different types of Brassica campestris L. ssp. chinensis (L.) Makino var. communis Tsee et Lee.pakchoi
XIAO He, WANG Meng, CUI Lijie, KAI Guoyin, PAN Jingxian
Development Center of Plant Germplasm Resources,College of Life and Environmental Sciences,Shanghai Normal University
The genetic diversity of 24 accessions of pakchoi(Brassica campestris L. ssp. chinensis (L.) Makino var. communis Tsee et Lee.) from different districts of China was identified by morphological characters and RAPD analysis.The results showed that the coefficient of variation of 13 morphological characters of materials was from 12.4% to 69.9%,the most was petiole length,and the least cotyledon.24 accessions were clustered into 4 groups at the distance of 5 in morphological cluster.113 bands were detecteded by15 RAPD primers,and 83 were polymorphic.The percentage of polymorphic bands was 73.4%,and the number of average and polymorphic bands each primer were 7.53 and 5.53 respectively.In RAPD analysis,8 groups at the genetic distance of 0.77 were obtained based on RAPD data.There were the overlaps and segmentation between the results of RAPD and morphological cluster.Nei′s diversity (H)and Shannon information index (I) based on 4 types of morphological analysis were both the order of Ⅳ>Ⅰ>Ⅲ>Ⅱ,and H and I of Ⅳ were 0.2395 and 0.3523 respectively.H and I of Jianghui area were the highest in China,being 0.2076 and 0.3098 respectively.These data were in accordance with the diversity characteristics and rejoin distribution of pakchoi germplasms.
Key words:  Brassica campestris L. ssp. chinensis (L.) Makino var. communis Tsee et Lee.  Morphological characters  RAPD analysis  Clustering analysis