Exploring the Path of Volunteering Practice Teaching in Ideological and Po⁃litical Education in Primary and Secondary Schools
中文关键词:  志愿服务;思想政治教育;实践教学
英文关键词:volunteering,ideological and political education,practice teaching
基金项目:本文系 2023 年度上海市教育科学研究项目“全面推进习近平总书记关于伟大抗疫精神的重要论述进教材进课堂进头脑 研究”(项目编号:2022-S-075)、2022 年上海高校青年教师培养资助计划“马克思主义经典著作融入高校思政课现状及路径探究——以 《形势与政策》课程为例;基于主导性与主体性相统一原则的高校形势与政策课程在线教学设计与实践研究——以上海第二工业大学为 例”(项目编号:ZZ202215012)的研究成果。
祝业亮 上海第二工业大学 
刘粉 上海第二工业大学 
王永章 上海第二工业大学 
摘要点击次数: 116
全文下载次数: 152
      在中小学思政课中推进志愿服务实践教学有利于实现“立德树人”的根本任务和 培育学生学科核心素养,也是满足学生“公共参与”的极佳平台。然而目前志愿服务实践教学 存在以下问题:重视程度不够,制度化保障缺乏;实践教学内容与课程教学衔接不够紧密;制约 因素较多,活动形式单一等。因此,中小学可通过以下路径来提升思政课志愿服务实践教学的 质量和水平:一是提高重视程度,推进志愿服务实践教学的制度化、规范化;二是以教材为基, 挖掘志愿服务实践教学与教材知识的连接点;三是统筹协调,创设志愿服务实践教学多样化的 活动形式
      Promoting the teaching of volunteering practice in ideological and political education in primary and secondary schools is conducive to realizing the fundamental task of“moral education”and cultivating students’core literacy of the subject, and is also an excellent platform for satisfying students’“public participation”. However,at present,there exist the following problems in the teaching of volunteering practice:insufficient attention and a lack of institutionalized guarantees,poor connection between the teaching content and the course teaching,and too many constraints and the single form of activities. Therefore,pri? mary and secondary schools can improve the quality and level of volunteering practice teaching in ideological and political educa? tion through the following paths:first,increasing the degree of attention and making volunteering practice teaching systematic and standard;second,exploring the connection points between volunteering practice teaching and the knowledge from teaching materials;and third,creating diversified forms of volunteering practice teaching with overall coordination.
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