The Significance,Dilemma and Breakthrough of the Implementation ofShift-based System in High Schools in the Context of the New College En⁃trance Examination
中文关键词:  新高考;高中;走班制
英文关键词:new college entrance examination,high school,shift-based system
基金项目:本文系 2021 年度教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目“新高考背景下综合素质评价在高校招生中的应用策略研究” (项目编号:21YJC880034)、河南省哲学社会科学规划项目“新高考改革背景下综合评价招生公平保障机制研究”(项目编号: 2021JKZD02)的阶段性成果。
徐东波 东南大学 
摘要点击次数: 53
全文下载次数: 872
      高中实行走班制具有满足学生多样选科需求、增强育人活力、建设现代化学校等 积极意义。对新高考前三批试点 6 省市 16 所高中调研发现,当前高中面临的走班制实施困境 主要有:多数高中倾向于“限制选科+小走班/不走班”,其直接原因是资源条件不足、集中统一 式管理,根本原因是应试主义惯习。要突破走班制难实施的困境,我们应正确认识走班制的低 级发展阶段,积极推动其向中高级阶段发展;考虑国情、区域不同,着力构建中国特色走班制; 做好政策制度、资源条件保障,厚植走班制的生存土壤。
      The implementation of the shift-based system in senior high schools has a positive significance in meeting the needs of students for diverse subjects,enhancing the vitality of education,and building a modern school. According to the survey of 16 high schools in 6 provinces and cities in the first three batches of pilot projects for the new college entrance examination, they are currently faced with the following dilemma of implementing a shift-based system:most high schools tend to“restrict the selection of subjects”or“practice the shift on a small-scale or even no shift”owing to insufficient resources and centralized and unified management with the fundamental reason of being exam-oriented habit. In order to break through this dilemma,we should correctly understand the low-level development stage of the shift-based system and actively promote its development to the medium and high-level stage;considering national conditions and regional differences,we should strive to build a shift-based system with Chinese characteristics;and we should guarantee the policy and resources,and provide the proper conditions for the practice of the shift-based system
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