A Study on the Long-term Mechanism of“Double Reduction”in Educationfrom the Perspective of Family Support
中文关键词:  “双减”政策;基础教育;家庭支持;长效机制
英文关键词:“double reduction”policy,basic education,family support,long-term mechanism
基金项目:本文系上海市哲学社会科学规划课题“抗挫折能力的影响因素与提升机制研究”(项目编号:2021FZX007)和中国青少年 研究会 2023 年度重点课题“新时代青少年劳动观及其教育引导研究”(项目编号:2023A10)的研究成果。
薛敏霞 上海大学 
杨秀君 上海大学 
摘要点击次数: 43
全文下载次数: 122
      The formulation and implementation of the“double reduction”policy is an important measure to promote the highquality development of basic education,which plays an important role in guaranteeing the healthy growth of teenagers. Family support is a key factor that affects the long-term mechanism of“double reduction”in education. However,the families’policy cognitive deviation at present,the misunderstanding of family education concept,and the behavioral dilemmas of family roles make families show their resistance to“double reduction”,which has brought great difficulties for the implementation of the longterm mechanism of“double reduction”in education. Therefore,from the perspective of family support,it is of great significance to enhance the effectiveness of“double reduction”in education by strengthening the continuous endogenous dynamic mechanism, optimizing the smooth and effective communication mechanism,and promoting the multi-linkage co-parenting mechanism through family cognitive transformation,emotional orientation and tool propulsion
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