An Analysis of the“Educational Equity View”Reflected by a School Lottery System
中文关键词:  教育公平;招生;摇号;拔尖创新人才
英文关键词:education fairness,school admission,a school lottery,top-notch innovative talents
杨德广 上海师范大学 
摘要点击次数: 58
全文下载次数: 267
      为了维护“教育公平”和“社会稳定”,上海、南京、广州等许多城市陆续采用“摇号” 随机选拔的方式取代考核选拔,教育部免试就近入学和“公民同招”的义务教育招生政策全面 落实。新政策引起社会不同反应,有赞成者,也有反对者,出现“公平教育观”和“精英教育观” 两派群体之争,且各执己见,莫衷一是。摇号招生仅体现了招生方法、入学机会的公平,而不是 真正意义上的教育公平。教育公平应体现在教育资源分配上的公平,这样不仅有利于优秀学 生快速成长,而且有利于国家培养拔尖创新人才。
      In order to maintain“educational equity”and“social stability”,many cities like Shanghai,Nanjing and Guang? zhou have gradually adopted the method of“random selection by lottery”instead of examination and selection,and the compulsory education enrollment policies of local admission and“admission by public and private schools in the same time periods”from the Ministry of Education have been fully implemented. These new policies have caused different reactions in society,including those for and those against them,and there was a dispute of views between the two groups of“fair education”and“elite education”. A school lottery system only reflects the fairness in enrollment methods and opportunities. Thus that is not the real fairness in edu? cation which should be reflected in the equality in the distribution of educational resources,and high-quality students should be admitted to high-quality schools through examination and competitive selection,which is not only conducive to the rapid growth of outstanding students,but also conducive to the cultivation of top-notch innovative talents in the country. A school lottery sys? tem runs counter to the essence of education,educational patterns and educational classification management principles,and the national talent development strategy,which is not only unconducive to mobilizing the enthusiasm of high-quality schools and their teachers,and that of students and their parents,but also to the selection and training of top-notch innovative talents by the state. situation and language practice activities,which has clarified the direction for the proposition reform of Chinese college entrance examination,and the implementation of these spirits will encounter social pressures and test-oriented challenges. There are two operable focus points for the proposition reform of Chinese college entrance examination in it:one is reducing the unnecessary burden of the examination and the other is improving the representation efficiency of test tools for Chinese learning level.
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