Research on the Effectiveness of “Short, Adaptable and Fast” Training in Class Teaching
中文关键词:  课堂教学;“短平快”训练;有效性
英文关键词:class teaching, “Short, Adaptable and Fast” Training, effectiveness
金嫕 上海师范大学附属外国语中学 
摘要点击次数: 592
全文下载次数: 882
      The core requirement of teaching reform is to improve the class teaching effectiveness. To help the students to better grasp what is to be learnt, “Short, Adaptable and Fast” Training requires that the class training should be well prepared with moderate difficulty and proper amount. Attention should also be paid to the timely feedback from class exercises. By means of solving problems in the learning process, students’ interest in learning can be greatly strengthened and learning motivation can be further inspired. Meanwhile, through the promotion of “Short, Adaptable and Fast” Training, teachers can know better about their students. The teachers’ competence to design the class exercises and their professional quality may also be improved.
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